Search Results for Real Time Study

Language and languaging from a phonetic point of view

Cummins F;
Wang B.
e296 Published: 15/02/2021

Prosody and Corpora

Mello H;
Mettouchi A;
Mithun M;
Panunzi A;
et al.
e385 Published: 01/08/2021

Literacy and Its Challenges: Promoting Critical Thinking In Subliterate People

Kolinsky R;
Justino J;
Arnal C;
Tossonian M;
et al.
e319 Published: 23/04/2021

Communicating Without Conventions: The Co-operation Model

Tomasello M.
e286 Published: 13/01/2021

The reception of early transformational grammar in Europe

Newmeyer FJ.
e285 Published: 13/01/2021

Te Hā o Te Reo: teaching the beauty of the māori language

Bortolotto MC;
Berardi-Wiltshire A.
01-15 Published: 29/09/2020

Connecting Structure and Variation in Sound Change

Natvig D;
Salmons J.
e314 Published: 15/05/2021

The role of style in the use of postvocalic /S/ in a recontact sample

Henrique PFL;
Amorim AWD;
Hora D.
e621 Published: 25/03/2022

Essentials of semantic syntax: an appetiser

Seuren P.
e290 Published: 28/01/2021

Verbal working memory assessment in Russian-Brazilian Portuguese bilinguals

Skorobogatova AS;
Henriques AS;
Ruseishvili S;
Sekerina I;
et al.
e572 Published: 17/11/2021

Friend or foe: the morphological kinship between words

Cataldo J;
França A.
e499 Published: 14/12/2021
Found 26 items.